Miniball Program
Celtic Mini Ball program provides an environment where children of all abilities can achieve on the court – and reap the rewards of skill development, enhanced self-esteem, social cooperation and grassroots sports participation. Put simply, Celtics introduces children to basketball in a fun, structured environment that connects our game at the grassroots with pathways to competition play.
Our program consists of warm-up games, skill activities and modified games all delivered by accredited coaches.
Fun and safe for boys, girls, parents and caregivers. Accessible and inclusive.
benefits for Children
Children learn the fundamental motor skills for future physical activity and sports participation;
Children learn the basics of fitness conditioning, muscle management and well-being;
Children learn the importance of health and nutrition;
Important physiological and mental skills are nurtured;
Respect for others as well as social, teamwork and cooperation skills are developed;
Contact with coaches, older children and parents provides valuable role modelling;
Children are exposed to multi-functional environments creating greater self-confidence;
Physically active children are more attentive, have a more efficient memory and better problem solving skills;
Children are coached and encouraged by accredited coaches;
benefits for Parents
Convenient, local opportunities for safe, quality time with your child and family;
The opportunity to engage with children and other families in a common setting;
Greater social contact and interaction;
Opportunities to become actively involved in club activities.